Monday, February 2, 2009


This weekend I was once again reminded of past Physic’s concepts while playing the very challenging sport of billiards. It all just Popped out at me again and I was reminded of my prior Physics experience with collisions. Billiards was a game involving very many collisions. It all seemed so easy when you think about it yet; those crazy balls would just not go into the hole. I broke it down, Physics style, hoping for more success. I figured that because a series of elastic collisions were occurring, and each collision was bouncy, meaning that the momentum was conserved, I had to strategically hit each shot. I would have to calculate or guesstimate the amount of KE and force I placed into each shot, with the distance between balls in mind, to improve my game. The amount of force or KE I placed into the ball would transfer and all that momentum would be generally conserved through the collision with the other ball. My Physics knowledge of this sport did not help me. I ended up losing to my friend, however, had the satisfaction of knowing more about what was going on while we were playing. Thank you Physics, I had the last laugh at things (even though I lost to a girl).

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