Sunday, November 2, 2008


This weekend, while working out in the weight room, Physics suddenly appeared to me!!! I found myself on the bench press when, Mr. Kohara popped into my head. I was reminded of what we discussed in class about work and energy. He pretty much said that no work was being done when an object is held motionless in the same position because its kinetic and potential energies remain unchanged. So there I was laying on the bench, puzzled. I could not figure out how no work was being done as I held the barbell over my chest, with arms fully extended and practically motionless. It felt like I was doing a ton of work as time went on however; I remembered that I was NOT! As explained to the relationship between work and energy, no work was being done because the total energy (DeltaKE+DeltaPE) which is equivalent to the amount of work (W) was unchanged (0), thus for meaning the amount of work was (0) as well. Physics once again Popped Out and surprised me in an unsuspecting time!

1 comment:

kylie kim said...

Mr. Kohara popped into your head? Haha. That's funny. How about me? I was right there taking your picture.