Monday, May 11, 2009


In the midst of this busy Mother’s Day weekend, I noticed something relating to lights and a combination of the various colors. This popped out to me Sunday night when I looked around while worshiping at Grace Bible church. The stage it is held on in LCC Theater is lighted by a combination of three colors. These colors of light, combined to create a white lighting on the stage. By using these three colors, they also made it possible to shine a large array of lights on the stage by using different light combinations. The banners in the back of the stage reminded me of the light worksheet we had to color in for homework. The three banners were each different colors because of the corresponding (different) light rays reflecting off of it into our eyes. The stage setting, surprisingly, all relates back to what I learned in Physics about lights. If it were not for this Physics knowledge I had acquired, I would probably not have noticed it and would not be able to keep myself amused with such petty things. I must have looked pretty nerdy though, as I took this picture, because my pastor gave me a pretty weird look mid sermon. Thank you Physics!