Sunday, October 19, 2008

First Quarter Response

This quarter of physics was fun yet very challenging. I struggled with the kinematic equations at first and trigonometry functions however, am getting a little better at them. I feel this course will continue to be very challenging for me but, will get easier after I get the jist of things. I am still worried about the mathematical parts of physics, because I now know that there is a lot of that, nonetheless, will come in for help or seek that from my friends. Hopefully second quarter will be a little easier then the first and my goal is to raise my test and quiz grades. I tried my best this quarter and will continue to do so.
I see physics as this graph: (this quarter= my grades were below what I expected; after,now= my grades will go up and I will do better) (:

Monday, October 6, 2008

Physics 3: Newton's Second Law

I experienced the laws of Physics or rather Newton once again this weekend at bowling practice. This hurt me a little more than my prior incident with friction however, brought Newton’s Second Law to mind. Just learning about this in Physics class I recalled that, “A change in motion is proportional to the motive force impressed and takes place along the straight line in which that force is impressed.” While swinging my ball and preparing for that fast, timed release, an obstacle got in the way. Yikes! I hit my ankle not only once but twice in a row! This as you would imagine brought great pain and suffering to me yet, Physics still came to mind. I mentioned to my fellow bowlers, this was Physics and knew I would use it for my journal. The net force that collided with my ankle was not just the mass of the ball(15lbs) but, that times its acceleration (recorded by machine at 18mph or 8.05m/s) which equaled a grand total of 120.75N! The lanes are oiled to reduce friction so, without friction as a factor, the net force of the ball when it hits the pins is the same as that of when it hit my leg. That net force is what accounts for knocking the pins down. Once again Physics presented itself into my life, with a BANG!